Karen Jacobs


Karen is a bloodline descendant and a Traditional Owner of Whadjuk Country in the Perth area, Western Australia. She is a single parent of three adult children, grandmother of two beautiful grandchildren, and great grandmother of one. 

Karen is the owner of Indigenous Economic Solutions Pty Ltd, trading as IES Cultural Heritage, IES Enviro Scapes, IES Enviro Clean. She has a primary focus on developing and encouraging Aboriginal people’s involvement in enterprise and business opportunities.

Karen has an extensive background in Aboriginal cultural heritage and practices, environmental plans and management, cultural tourism, education, and former lecturer at the UWA, School of Social Science in the Foundations to Heritage Management.

Her career has led to the provision of Indigenous Specialist Services: Incorporating the cultural heritage narrative in Design and Placemaking within urban design, construction and infrastructure projects; the analysis of probity and procurement; financial management; and marketing and promotion of Aboriginal people’s engagement and participation in plans and strategies across all industries and business sectors. Karen has also been appointed to the State Design Review Panel.