
We are delighted to announce the winner of the Bill Armstrong AO Human Rights Award for 2020 is Mervyn Eades!

Mervyn is a Menang/Wilaman man from the Noongar nation and has been recognised for his work in leading the way for prison reform in Western Australia. Mervyn started Ngalla Maya Aboriginal Employment Access back in 2014 to provide training, education, mentoring, and skill development for Aboriginal people (initially women) coming out of the prison system.

Mervyn's work in prison reform is astounding. After spending many years in and out of prison himself, there was a realisation that there was no support for ex-offenders or pathways to break the cycle of recidivism and reoffending behaviour. Mervyn visits prisons and juvenile detention facilities and inspires inmates to a pathway that changes their lives.

“I remember meeting with Mervyn Eades back in 2014 and all he had was a tin shed and a dream. They had no money and Mervyn was paying the rent out of his own pocket and now look at what he has achieved,” said Doyen, Regional Manager, WA.

We became involved with supporting and working with Mervyn and Ngalla Maya a couple of years after it opened.

Ngalla Maya’s ‘Prison to Community Reintegration’ program has helped about 300 men, women, and youth to find employment after prison and demonstrably reduce recidivism and reoffending behaviour.

About the Bill Armstrong AO Human Rights Award

In 2019, our highly respected Co-Chair, Bill Armstrong AO, retired after 20 years with the organisation, and 13 years in the role of Co-Chair.

Bill’s leadership and experience in the community development field, both within Australia and internationally, is highly admired. And his influence and human rights legacy is strongly felt within our organisation.

The Award will be presented annually to a staff member, supporter, volunteer, or community member who has made an outstanding contribution to human rights in connection with the work of Community First Development.

For this year’s Award, we were delighted to receive a strong number of nominations. We are always humbled at the inspiring, committed people who are connected to our work in community development, and thank everyone who sent in a nomination, or was nominated, for the 2020 Award. We think that you are all stars.

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